Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery

Admission to Fatema Nursing institute, Dhaka 3 years Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery Course will be subject to the following qualifications and conditions..

Preliminary Qualifications

  • The candidate must be a woman, unmarried and a permanent citizen of Bangladesh
  • Applicant’s height should have a minimum 4 foot 11 inches, unmarried & have good health.
  • Highest age must be 22 till the last date of application
  • Must be physically and mentally healthy.

Educational Qualification (Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery)

  • Applicants must pass HSC or equivalent exam
  • Applicants must have a minimum GPA 2.50 in SSC and GPA 3.00 in the HSC exam
  • Applicants must be a female and priority will be given to Science Department Students
  • Candidates who have obtained minimum number in the uniform admission test adopted by the Department of Nursing and Midwifery of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh can apply.

Admission Procedure

You have to apply in the prescribed form provided by Fatema Nursing Institute.

Form Collect and Delivery

According to the date published in the newspaper, the admission forms and prospectus is available from the institute office on payment of Tk. 700.00 (non-refundable) during office hours (from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm). The candidate should collect and submit the application form in person.

Form Submission and Attachment

Fill in the application form manually and submit the application form to the institute from which the form was collected during office hours by the date of publication in the newspaper. Cannot participate in oral examination without admission.

The following documents should be attached with the completed application form

  • Admission Form Original Receipt of Purchase
  • Photocopy of minimum number in uniform admission test taken by Department of Nursing and Midwifery
  • Attested photocopy of SSC & HSC or equivalent examination marksheet, Original Certificate / Provisional Certificate and Testimonial
  • Recent passport size photo 3 copies
  • In case of Post Basic BSc in Nursing Science course, attested certificate of Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery and attested photocopy of Student Registration Card by BNC are required
  • Attested photocopy of citizenship certificate issued by local Union Council Chairman or Mayor or Ward Councilor with permanent address

Selection Procedure and Examination Marks

In the uniform admission test adopted by DGNM and BNMC, final selection will be made on the basis of minimum score, oral and health test prescribed by the government.

Marks of Dip-in Nursing Science and Midwifery

Oral Examination:

Subject Value
Health 10
Economic status 5
Spoken 10
SSC, HAC and Admission Test Results 15
Total Value 10

Oral examination

The date, time and place of oral examination will be informed at the time of withdrawal. During the oral examination, along with the admission letter, the original certificate and number sheet of SSC and HSC or equivalent examination side should be shown.

Health examination

For the final selection, the candidates will be examined by the doctor of Ad-Din Hospital. Note that if there is a serious health problem, the election of the concerned candidate will be canceled. The cost of health examination will be borne by you.

Final results released

The candidate who will apply to the institute may not get the opportunity to get admission in the institute. The authority will decide which student will be admitted in which institute and it will be published with the result